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Flu Season & Indoor Air Quality

Flu Season & Indoor Air Quality

While it’s important to be mindful of your indoor air quality all year, it’s even more critical in the winter months when we spend the majority of our time inside. This is also cold and flu season in Canada, and having better air quality can help you and your family...
Ways to Prevent Heat Loss in Your Home

Ways to Prevent Heat Loss in Your Home

As the weather becomes increasingly cooler, many homeowners are preparing their homes for winter. Keeping your home warm during sub-zero temperatures can be tricky and costly, especially if you have an older house. To save yourself a little bit of effort and money...
Heat Pump Installation Grants in Windsor

Heat Pump Installation Grants in Windsor

Heat pumps have become increasingly more popular in Windsor and Southern Ontario homes, there are a few reasons for their popularity including energy efficiency and durability. If you’re interested in installing a heat pump in your home, you may have delayed it due to...
Top Ten Most Common AC Issues

Top Ten Most Common AC Issues

An air conditioner runs 24/7 for months at a time, and even with regular maintenance and high-quality care, sometimes your AC may fall into disrepair. For the most part, air conditioner disrepair is a very quick fix for the expert technicians at Fahrhall as it usually...
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